Specialized AML/CFT Corporate Training Services

Tailored to meet your business needs.


Regulatory requirements are constantly evolving due to new trends in money laundering and terrorist financing. Financial institutions and other types of businesses operating in all segments of the financial services industry are pushed to find ways to stay up to speed with the ever changing environment. It is crucial to ensure that management and staff, as well as new employees, are trained properly.

When providing anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorist (AML/CFT) compliance training to employees, it can sometimes be challenging to tailor the training contents to meet specific needs. Carrying out an AML introductory or general AML/CFT compliance training for all employees, particularly to AML compliance staff, is simply not enough.

That´s where we come in. At the AML Training Group, we believe that AML/CFT training should be of high quality, good value, and tailored towards the training needs of businesses operating in different segments of the financial services industry.

Our objective is to provide specialized online training courses to meet the mandatory AML/CFT regulatory training needs of businesses. By outsourcing your AML/CFT training to us, we can help you keep your employees up to speed with the latest regulatory changes and/or any new internal operational procedures due to regulatory changes, and equip them with the understanding, knowledge and skills necessary to handle AML/CFT matters effectively. 

We Tailor Our Trainings To Meet Your Business Needs.

High Quality
Compliance Training