About Us

About The Company

The AML Training Group was formed in July 2020 and its business license was granted on 16th November 2020. It is licensed with the Department of Internal Revenue at the Ministry of Finance pursuant to section 4 of the Business License Act 2010, and with the National Insurance Board of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Our business license, NIB and TIN certificates are attached below for your review.

The Company was founded to fill a gap in the financial services industry for the provision of professional, high quality, specialized compliance training to meet the needs of businesses operating in various sectors of the industry. To meet the annual regulatory AML/CFT training requirement, our trainings are based on the AML/CFT guidelines issued by various agencies which comprise of the Group of Financial Services Regulators (GFSR), including the Central Bank of The Bahamas, the Compliance Commission of The Bahamas, the Gaming Board of The Bahamas, the Insurance Commission of The Bahamas, and the Securities Commission of The Bahamas. Together, GFSR is responsible for making certain that the AML/CFT regime operates effectively in The Bahamas. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist in protecting the global financial system against financial crimes such as money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing, by continually enhancing the skills, knowledge and insight of professionals working within all segments of the financial services industry, to effectively mitigate the risks associated with such crimes.

Our Vision

Our vision is to enhance the soundness, integrity and effectiveness of businesses operating in the financial services industry by providing innovative high impact and high quality training to our clients.

We do this by providing specialized online compliance training to businesses operating in all segments of the financial services industry, including: bank and trust companies; commercial banks; credit unions; corporate services providers; investment and securities firms; insurance companies; law firms; gaming companies; real estate companies etc.

Our trainings are offered online via our learning management system and live via zoom. We also develop customized online courses to meet your specific needs.

Our training is comprehensive and is designed to ensure that management and staff are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their roles effectively.

We are passionate about training and skilled in delivering high quality training, designed using relevant real world cases, to help you understand and effectively mitigate the risks associated with financial crimes.

Advisory board member

Aretha Campbell is a Ph.D. graduate in the area of Rule of Law and Global Governance from the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. Prior to this, she obtained a MBA in International Business and Investments from the University of Miami, in Miami, Florida, and a BachelorĀ“s Degree in Finance from Florida Atlantic University, in Boca Raton, Florida.

Her industry experience is extensive. She is a Trust and Estate Professional (TEP), and have worked in the financial services industry for 15 years in The Bahamas and in the USA. She has worked as Senior Official II, Corporate Secretary, MLRO and Senior Administrator at First Trust Bank Limited (Templeton), and as a Senior Fiduciary Officer at J.P. Morgan Trust Company (Bahamas) Limited, where she has undertaken numerous online AML/CFT training courses during her 10 years stay at the bank.

She has completed a number of online facilitator training courses with the University of the West Indies Open Campus, and has worked with the University as an Adjunct Course Coordinator for a Risk Analysis and Management course.  She has recently completed her monograph entitled, "Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Tax Evasion: The Consequences of International Policy Initiatives on Financial Centres in the Caribbean," which was published by Palgrave Macmillan in New York, USA, in October 2021.

She has also co-authored an article entitled, "Sovereignty Amidst International Policy Initiatives Against Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Tax Evasion: The Case of The Bahamas," which was published in the Journal of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association in August 2020. This article is attached below for your review.

Advisory board member

Peter Maynard is a senior Partner of Peter D. Maynard, Counsel & Attorneys. He is highly regarded in the fields of international commercial litigation, arbitration, and asset tracing and recovery. He has practiced law as a litigator for 42 years and acted as an arbitrator and arbitration counsel for over 3 decades. His bio includes: Member of the Latin American and Caribbean Council of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), Fellow and Chair of the Bahamas Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), and sole, presiding and party-appointed arbitrator, counsel or adviser in domestic and international commercial arbitrations (ad hoc, LCIA,ICC and UNCITRAL) relating to, inter alia, banking, construction, financial services, hotels, labour, maritime, provident funds, resorts, tourism and trusts.

He was acting Bahamas Supreme Court Justice, well known for implementing efficient case management, dealing with cases without delay, and completely eliminating the pre-existing backlog of civil and commercial cases before Freeport and the Northern Region of the Supreme Court for which he was responsible. He is currently Head of the Law Department of the University of The Bahamas, and course director of Arbitration. He was formerly a law lecturer at other institutions such as the University of the West Indies (Cave Hill) and the Eugene Dupuch Law School (Nassau). He was also an economist at the United Nations, New York, and later a diplomat there before turning to practice in commercial arbitration and civil litigation. He was Legal Adviser, Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution Washington D.C., President of the Bahamas Bar Association and of the Organization of Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Associations.  

Specialized Corporate Training

Tailored to meet your business needs.

High Quality
Compliance Training